No lockdown in Telangana, not even weekend clampdown: Chief Secretary..

News Edition 24 Desk: Hyderabad: Putting an end to all floating rumors of a possible lockdown, Telangana’s Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar said the government is not of the opinion of a lockdown, not even a weekend clampdown. In what has surprised many, the Chief Secretary assured that the state has an adequate number of beds, oxygen cylinders, medicines to treat COVID patients.

To recall, the Telangana High Court had suggested the government think about the weekend lockdown. “We are considering the suggestion made by the high court, but we believe that it is of no use. The Covid19 cases have not come down in other states where complete lockdown is being implemented. In Telangana, situations and cases are under control and there is no need for lockdown,” said the Chief Secretary.

The Chief Secretary also added that the government is trying to convert each and every bed in the state into oxygen beds. “We had around 18000 beds in September 2020, now we have around 52000 beds in government hospitals. We have coronavirus cases under control, and have better facilities in Hyderabad and in the state,” said Somesh Kumar.

He also added that all government hospitals and primary health centers will start treating Covid19 outpatients immediately and provide kits. Cases are decreasing in the state and the positivity rate is also coming down. The survey to know how many people are suffering from the symptoms of covid started in GHMC will be extended to all districts in the state.

“We have around 6.5 lakh home treatment kits, 90 thousand Remdesivir injections, and 63 Tocilizumabir injections with us. We have sufficient resources available with us,” said Somesh Kumar.

Meanwhile, the Chief Secretary admitted that there is a shortage of vaccines in the state. “This shortage may continue for May and June. In May, only 3.90 lakh vaccines were allocated by the Government of India to Telangana,” said Somesh Kumar.

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