Radium strip being tagged to cattle under Roka Cheka campaign..

Sukma: Following the directives of Collector Haris S, under the Roka Chheka campaign, the field staff of the Livestock Development Department is taking action to remove stray cattle from the main roads. In order to reduce road accidents on National Highway 30, stray cattle standing near the roads are being caught and taken to Gothans and other safe places in the urban bodies through cow catcher vehicles. Along with this, radium belts are being applied around the necks of nomadic cattle and radium strips in their horns under the Roka Chheka campaign to prevent loss of lives and animals.

Deputy Director of Livestock Development Department, Dr. S. Zaheeruddin told that a team of veterinarians and assistants has been formed to tag the roaming animals with radium belts and radium strips in their horns and ears so that the drivers can see the cattle sitting on the roads at night. This team, with the help of the municipality employees, is taking action every day on national highways and square-intersections by catching cattle and buffaloes and tagging them in their ears, radium belts around their necks and radium strips in their horns.
Along with this, by identifying the owner of the animal through the tag attached in the ear of the animal, advice is being given not to leave the animal open on the road and the negligent animal herders are also being punished. The Deputy Director has appealed to the cattle herders of the district not to leave the cattle loose on the roads and to save lives and livestock from damage by cooperating with the team in putting radium strips and tags around their necks.

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