News Edition 24 Desk: Bhopal: In Madhya Pradesh, BJP and Congress have once again come face to face on social media. Congress has also launched a poll after the BJP’s online poll against Kamal Nath. The Congress has questioned in an online poll who is the most corrupt among Shivraj Singh Chouhan, Jyotiraditya Scindia, Kailash Vijayvargiya, and VD Sharma.
More than 14,000 people have voted in the online poll since July 7. CMShivraj Singh Chouhan got the most primitive 50.1 percent votes. Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia is second with 34.4 percent votes, while BJP General Secretary Kailash Vijayvargiya with 10.7 percent votes and party state president VD Sharma with 4.8 percent votes have been ranked fourth. Users are also taking a dig at the Congress poll. A social media user named Shikha Tiwari wrote, ‘The question is out of course.’ Yogendra wrote, ‘Your Jamai.’
Earlier on July 5, the BJP had conducted an online poll for the Congress state president. In it, the BJP had asked who would replace Kamal Nath with Patwari, Sajjan, and Jayavardhan as presidents. Jitu Patwari got 60 percent of the votes. Jayavardhan Singh is second with 27 percent votes, while Sajjan Verma is third with 13% votes. These three are former Ministers.