Akhilesh Yadav said ”BJP issuing threats to elected panchayat members ”.

News Edition 24 Desk: Akhilesh Yadav on Wednesday alleged BJP “after losing in the panchayat polls” was conspiring against the democratic system and threatening the elected members. “The BJP has never respected democracy. After facing defeat in the panchayat polls in Uttar Pradesh, they are conspiring to go against the democratic system. It is their strategy to threaten or tempt elected members which shows that they are misusing power. In the 2022 Assembly elections in the state, the BJP will have to pay the price for this.” he said.
He added that “With the help of administration, those trying to convert a tragedy into an opportunity are playing with the lives of people. Now, Covid infection is spreading in villages too. Compared to the cities, the healthcare structure in the villages is worse than the cities. There are no hospitals for treatment or testing. There is an emergency in terms of oxygen supply. The honourable High Court has also said that how the BJP government can save itself from responsibility of deaths due to oxygen shortage.”

Akhilesh said “The BJP has become a government which ruins lives of people.” he added.

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