Irregularities in master plan of capital, Finance Minister Choudhary orders investigation…

Raipur : There is a big game in the master plan of the capital. The investigation committee believes that up to one-third of the plan will have to be changed for a systematic city. In fact, after the complaints received in the master plan, the investigation committee was formed for the first time in March. In the investigation, it found that changes have been made in a large part of the city by going beyond the rules.

In the master plan implemented by Town and Country Planning Raipur for the year 2031 for the capital during the previous Congress rule, a lot of irregularities have been found in it. This information has come to the fore in the preliminary report. On the basis of this report, the government is now preparing to call for claims and objections again. These claims and objections will be called only for those cases in which irregularities have been found.

According to the information, in the preliminary investigation of the committee, many types of irregularities have come to the fore in the new master plan. In this, somewhere the place of reservoir has been declared as residential and somewhere residential area has been shown as reservoir area. Apart from this, many lands have been declared as residential and somewhere agricultural land has been declared as mixed and commercial area. In this entire matter, councilor and MIC member Sundar Jogi says that whatever decision the government takes regarding the master plan is acceptable. Whereas councilor and deputy leader of opposition Manoj Verma said, many times in the past we have raised our voice in the general meeting of Nagar Nigam regarding the irregularities in the master plan, but no action has been taken. This time in the BJP government, definitely the responsible will be punished.

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