Home Remedies For Cold And Cough: Cold in winter, cough is bothering you, then adopt these 6 home remedies..

Home Remedies For Cold And Cough: Cough and cold bother us as soon as winter comes. But this is a common problem which can also be fixed on its own. But if the cough and cold last for a long time, then because of them we start feeling tired and sick. In such a situation, instead of taking medicines, if we take the help of home remedies, then it is a very beneficial and natural way. Which does not have side effects on the body. They are being used in Ayurveda for years and they are also very effective.

Home Remedies For Cold And Cough: As the weather changes, due to allergies, viral infections, or bacterial infections, the problem of cold and cough is being seen in every household these days. Due to exposure to cold (winter) winds, sometimes this problem starts even after getting cold. According to WebMD, having a cough and cold is a natural process of the body which is a way of getting viruses and bacteria out of the body. Sometimes viruses enter the body, which gets deposited in the mucus. We only have cold and cough to remove them. If you let it work in a natural way instead of medicines, then its far-reaching effect remains good. In such a situation, here we are telling you that with the help of home remedies you can get relief from cough and cold.

Home remedies for cold and cough

1. Gargle with lukewarm water

Add a teaspoon of salt to lukewarm water and gargle with it 3 to 4 times a day. By doing this, cold, cough, and sore throat will be relieved, and swelling in the throat will be reduced.

Take clean water in a cup and add salt to it. Now put two drops inside the nose with the help of a dropper. If you do this two to three times a day, it helps in draining the mucus.

3. Eat plenty of garlic

If you consume garlic daily in winter, then you can avoid cold. It would be better if you eat raw garlic.

4. Drink Chicken Soup

Drink two to three cups of chicken soup daily to get rid of cold and cough. This will reduce the pain and swelling in your throat and increase immunity.

5. Ginger Tea

Ginger tea helps in the treatment of cold and cough. This tea helps in drying and expelling phlegm.

6. Turmeric Milk

If you drink turmeric mixed with hot milk, it helps in fighting cold and cough. Before sleeping, drink a glass of turmeric mixed with lukewarm milk. You will get quick relief from cold and cough.

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